Success By 6

Sunshine Coast Credit Union is a proud supporter of Success By 6®
...An initiative for children in our community

Success By 6® helps parents and communities create healthy, nurturing environments for young children, so that by age 6 children are physically, socially and emotionally ready to succeed in school.

In communities where Success By 6® is already embraced by parents, educators and early childhood professionals, the results are remarkable. Community leaders, early childhood professionals and parents are planning together to provide the best services for children from conception to age 6.

Sunshine Coast Credit Union along with other credit unions and United Ways across BC are working in partnership to match the BC Government's $10 million grant to Success By 6® through community and provincial fundraising efforts. Funds raised in our community stay in the community to support early childhood development priorities. Dollars raised locally will be matched from the provincial fund.

Credit unions across the province are vitally involved in enriching the lives of young British Columbians. At Sunshine Coast Credit Union, the focus is on enhancing services for all children in our local service areas. We're locally owned and democratically controlled, so we look for opportunities to partner in initiatives that benefit British Columbians as a whole - as well the various local markets in which we operate. Community involvement programs - like Success By 6® - are the most visible expression of our credit union values.

How Can You Contribute?

Spread the word. If we want our kids to win, we need your personal participation as well as from your family, friends and neighbours. Visit your branch to make a donation and to find out how you can get involved with Success By 6® and make a difference to children in our community. Donations can be made at any Sunshine Coast Credit Union branch in Gibsons, Sechelt and Pender Harbour, or credit union members can make a donation through online banking. If you prefer to make a donation by credit card, you can do so by either visiting Sunshine Coast Community Services at 5638 Inlet Street in Sechelt or call 604-885-5881 and they will accept your credit card donation over the phone..

Donate today and help a child succeed in life.


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