Enhanced PAC

We’re Enhancing Online Security for our Members

Introducing Enhanced Password - Action required upon login

Ensuring your security is our top priority and we will continue to offer our members best in class security features when they become available. We are pleased to now offer our members the additional security of choosing complex passwords.

How Will This Impact Me?

This enhancement will require you to update your PAC (Personal Access Code or Password) to one that is more complex and thus, more secure.

 When will this Occur?

Members will be asked to create your new Personal Access Code (PAC) when logging in to Online Banking on or after the 26th of February, 2019.

What are the Requirements?

Your PAC will need to be a combination of capital letters, lowercase letters, numbers and symbols.

  • 8 to 30 characters 
  • Upper case letters (capital) letters. Examples: A,E,R
  • Lowercase (small) letters. Examples; a, c, l
  • Numbers. Example: 2, 4 , 7
  • Symbols and special characters. The only mutually accepted characters are: - . , # : ? | ( ) ’ | \ / @ $ !

Please Remember: Do not use weak passwords such as patterns, sequences, telephone numbers or dates such as birth year, birthdays etc..

Make your password unique, difficult to guess, and be sure to use a different password for each of your important accounts.


Small Business Information

When are delegates required to change their PAC?

On your next log in after the signer has updated their PAC and re-activated the delegate.

Does the delegate have to wait for the authorized signor to change/update their PAC?

Yes. Delegates will need to be reactiviated by the signor once they have updated their PAC.

Can a delegate login to Online Banking Small Business prior to the signer re-activating them?

No. Signers must complete their upgrade to a strong Password and reactivate Delegates.

Will consolidated accounts display once the new Enhanced PAC is created?

No.  A new strong PAC is required for both Personal and Business.  Signers will need to ensure this has been completed on both Business and Personal profiles before consolidated accounts can be viewed.

Your online safety is our top priority.

Don’t hesitate to connect with us if you have any concerns.

Member Service Centre            604.740.2662  or Live Chat

24/7 Online Banking Support    1 877.801.9069 


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